G-TXCBH8WV16 Weight Loss | True Focus Hypnotherapy | Norwich
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Picture of a glass of green health drink with the words Weight Loss.

Weight loss

How can hypnotherapy help me with weight loss?

Hypnosis can be an incredibly effective tool to help with weight loss when used in conjunction with diet and exercise. I have worked with many clients and helped them to achieve their weight loss goals. However, hypnosis is not an easy option to magically make the weight fall off whilst eating and exercising the same, and your determination to succeed makes a tremendous difference to how well it works. 


Where hypnotherapy makes such a difference over diet alone is that it can aid motivation to exercise and help you enjoy the foods that you know are good for you and are low in calories. It is not about making you find unhelpful foods unpleasant, as hypnosis can not be used to make people do things that they do not want to. 


We will agree on an achievable target weight based on your current weight and height. We will then set a date to achieve your target, assuming a safe and realistic rate of weight loss. The first session as always is about understanding, and addresses your relationship to food and exercise and starts you off on the road to a lighter, fitter you. We will discuss problem foods and how to manage them and how suitable exercise can increase metabolism and wellbeing. The second session (usually after a week) deals with any problems that may have come up and reinforces the goal that we originally agreed on. There will need to be at least one session after a suitable period of time to check progress and make sure you stay on track for success. Weight loss needs a minimum of three hypnotherapy sessions depending on how much weight you wish to lose. If you need to lose a lot of weight which will obviously take longer, you might need more sessions to keep the motivation up. I do not do gastric band hypnosis as I do not believe it to be a good way to reduce weight, in the same way that physical gastric band surgery is not as good as a diet, and should only be a last resort.

A picture of a man swimming Front crawl taken from underwater.

In 2018 I lost two stone five pounds (15kg) using self hypnosis alone. I found that hypnosis gave me an effortless determination to stick to my diet. I even stopped drinking alcohol as it just felt like the right thing to do and was not originally part of my plan. I have always liked swimming, but started doing far more, and I was swimming five miles a week. Once the weight started falling off the sense of achievement really spurred me on and it became easier and easier. 

The journey won't be easy, but the end results will be worth it! 


Picture of the Logo "True Focus Hypnotherapy".


If you would like to ask more about weight loss, or any other therapy, please get in touch. 

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