G-TXCBH8WV16 Self-confidence | True Focus Hypnotherapy | Norwich
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A picture of a young Woman looking confident with the words "Self Confidence".


How can hypnotherapy help me with self-confidence?

Confidence is a state of mind. Unfortunately it is very fragile, and it all too regularly comes and goes. Confidence is the belief that you can do things well, but having it is only really possible once you have actually done whatever you want confidence in. For instance, you cannot be a confident at speaking in public, if you have never done it. You can however be confident that you will give whatever you want to do your best shot, and instead, be curious as to how well it will go and be unaffected by the outcome. 

Using hypnotherapy, it is possible to fire up that curiosity about challenges in life, so that instead of being a challenge - it becomes something exciting. The feelings of nervousness and excitement are so similar they are interchangeable, so when you feel nervous you can change it to excitement, and then you will find you enjoy challenges and want to push yourself more. The saying that 'there is no failure, only feedback', is an important mindset to adopt. This mindset can be reinforced using hypnosis, so that if you do not succeed at a challenge, you are not put off and will learn that people who are confident, got it by learning lots of lessons and kept pushing for success.

Picture of a man smiling and looking happy.

Apart from hypnotherapy, there is a powerful technique I can teach you called anchoring. We are all confident about something we do, and it can be anything, no matter how trivial, such as being able to cook a good meal. I can show you how you can anchor that particular feeling of confidence so you can ‘switch it on’ whenever you need a confidence boost.

Although I cannot make you instantly confident, there is a lot I can do to help you achieve it. Please give me a call, send me a message or an email, so we can to discuss your confidence issues and get your journey started.


Picture of the logo for True Focus Hypnotherapy.


If you would like to ask more about self-confidence, or any other therapy, please get in touch. 

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