G-TXCBH8WV16 Hypnotherapy In Norwich | True Focus Hypnotherapy | Norwich
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Hypnotherapy in Norwich

What does a hypnotherapy journey look like?

Norwich is a fine city, and so are the residents. But there are times in all of our lives when things are not fine. This is where I can help.

Once you have got into contact, either through the chat function in the bottom corner, sent a message through this website or on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, the journey of help can then begin. 

Every one of us is unique, which is why I pride myself in offering a bespoke path to success for each of my clients. Depending on the needs of each individual client, the whole process may take between one and three sessions. Each journey may be different, but typically you can expect each of the following four stages:

Picture of Norwich Cathedral.

Initial telephone consultation

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The first stage will be a free initial telephone consultation where we can discuss your situation and goals. This first discussion is a wonderful tool in making you feel more comfortable with your hypnotherapist before we meet face-to-face. 


Understanding your needs is of the upmost importance, which is why time will be given when we first meet to ensure we establish this. This will give you the confidence to freely talk to your hypnotherapist and further explain your situation and develop your goals. Opening up and often releasing lots of trapped worries, is wonderfully therapeutic for the client and essential in your journey to success. 


With the challenges you face now firmly established, the treatment can begin. I will use the best hypnotherapy techniques needed for each individual client to reach their goals. You will leave each session refreshed and stronger to tackle the world around you. 


I pride myself in always being there for my clients. I make sure that I check in to see how you are doing and adjusting to your new way of living.  


Picture of a man looking like he has acheived something important at True Focus Hypnotherapy


The cost of a 2 hour session is £80

Depending on the needs of each individual client, the whole process may take between one and three sessions. 


If you would like to find out more information or to book your first session, please get in touch. 

Don't forget to follow us on social media! 

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