G-TXCBH8WV16 Therapies | True Focus Hypnotherapy | Norwich
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Picture of a Woman looking happy.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis is a totally natural state that we are in pretty much all the time without realising. Our minds use this ability to assess situations and create default ‘programming’ that we run whenever we encounter the same matching situation. Unfortunately, not all of these ‘programs’ are helpful to us and when we are in them we do not see the full situation, or have all the choices available to us. With hypnotherapy it is possible to mess up these unhelpful ‘programs’ and enable the mind to create new ones, which can serve to help us, rather than hinder us.


I have been helping clients in and around Norwich since 2012 overcome their struggles with: depression, phobias, weight loss, anxiety and panic attacks, self-confidence and to give up smoking. Below is a list of the problems that hypnotherapy can help you to overcome. Please click on my hypnotherapy therapies to find out more information about what each therapy can do for you, or if you have any further questions just fill in the form at the bottom, or click the chat button in the bottom right corner,  and I will get straight back to you.

Picture of a green health drink.
Picture of several spiders in a web.
Picture of a man looking anxious.

Hypnosis can be incredibly effective to help with weight loss when used in conjunction with diet and exercise. However, it is not...

These unpleasant problems are usually created in childhood by a frightening event. You may not remember exactly what the event was...

Anxiety is the feeling that you won’t be able to cope with what is going to happen. Sometimes we can feel fine consciously, but just have...

Picture of a Woman looking confident.
Picture of a man on a couch looking depressed.
Picture of a Womans hand holding a cigarette.

Confidence is a state of mind. Unfortunately it is very fragile, and it all too regularly comes and goes.  Confidence is the belief that...

Depression is something that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. It is usual to be depressed when we have something stressful...

As an ex-smoker myself, who was lucky to be able to quit using willpower alone, I know how hard it can be to get rid of this habit...


If you would like to find out more information, or to book your first session, please get in touch. 

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