G-TXCBH8WV16 Our Brains Are Like Computers | True Focus Hypnotherapy | Norwich
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Picture of a man looking pensive.

Our brains are like computers


We share a lot of similarities with computers. We have ‘programs’ in our mind that we are totally unaware of which run automatically in response to situations that come up in life.  We are largely unaware that we are automatically reacting to situations, and even if we know we are, it isn’t always easy to change our responses. When we encounter a new experience for the first time, our brains store what we thought about it so we don’t have to process it again. The next time we encounter the same situation, we will instantly feel and act exactly the same as we did last time.


A negative cycle has begun. 


For example, if you were out when you were young at one of my favourite parks in Norwich, Earlham park, and you became frightened when you met an overexcited dog, our minds would have stored that information and when we see any dog after that we will automatically feel that they are frightening. This has nothing to with the dog but with the subjective ‘programming’ we have acquired about them. If we later meet a very friendly dog, this may change the programming so that not all dogs are frightening, but it will take lots of encounters with friendly dogs to totally dispel the fear. This is where hypnotherapy is an incredible tool in changing our 'programming'.

Picture of a happy dog with a toy in it's mouth.
Picture of woman looking worried.

Fears, if continually being left to grow and fester, can become phobias, which are stored at a much deeper level in a part of the brain called the amygdala. When the amygdala is triggered, it causes the rational part of the mind to shut down and feelings of panic will be experienced. This mechanism is designed to stop us thinking about the problem, making us want to run and be safe. The good news is that with hypnotherapy these phobias can be reprogrammed to allow us to react rationally and safely again.  


If you would like to find out more information or to book your first session, please get in touch. 

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