G-TXCBH8WV16 Smoking Cessation | True Focus Hypnotherapy | Norwich
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Picture of a Woman's hand holding a cigarette with the words Smoking Cessation.

Smoking cessation

How can hypnotherapy help me with my smoking cessation?

As an ex-smoker myself, who was lucky to be able to quit using willpower alone, I know how hard it can be to get rid of this habit. Note - I use the word habit, rather than addiction, as it is the habit reinforced by repetition that is the main problem. Yes, quitting the nicotine may be unpleasant for a few days, but it is not the nicotine that will have you reaching for another cigarette after giving up for months - IT WILL BE YOU!  

Hypnosis can be used to change this unwanted habit, by asking your unconscious mind to give it another job to do, instead of telling you to light up again. I don’t know what your unconscious will come up with, but it could be telling you twenty times a day how well you are doing not smoking.

Hypnosis can be used to change this unwanted habit, by asking your unconscious mind to give it another job to do, instead of telling you to light up again. I don’t know what your unconscious will come up with, but it could be telling you twenty times a day how well you are doing not smoking.

A really good resource is Alan Carr’s excellent books on stopping smoking, and I would really recommend you reading this before coming to see me. Here is an Amazon link to one of his books: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Allen-Carrs-Easy-Stop-Smoking/dp/0615482155

You might even find that you do not need any hypnotherapy as you realise why you have the habit. It is VITAL that you are really determined to stop smoking, as hypnosis cannot make you do things you don’t want to do. As long as you really want to quit, with the aid of hypnosis you don’t need the willpower alone anymore, and it can be surprisingly easy. If you are lacking the motivation to stop, then we can do a session on making your mind up to quit for good and then get rid of the problem in a later session.

Feeling like you can't give them up?

Make 2022 the year that you do!
Picture of a ashtray with a cigarette overlaid with do not sign.


A picture of the logo for True Focus Hypnotherapy.


If you would like to ask more about treatment for smoking cessation, or any other therapy, please get in touch. 

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